Interview: Rock Your Lyrics

I recently did an interview with Rock Your Lyrics about the lyrics for "Low" and "Not My Blood" off of Bloom & Breathe, as well as touching base on some older songs, the writing process, and my most hated song of all time.

I also gave some insight on how "Walls" came about originally:

I remember the day I came up with the chorus. Walls was written instrumentally, for the most part, before I even joined the band, so I would drive around with the basement demo on a burned CD-R and just try to sing melodies over it.

The chorus came to me when I was driving under the BQE getting ready to turn onto the freeway, and it was raining as well. I’m not sure why, but the demo was always called “Walls,” which inspired the central theme of the song. I took to a piano for the first verse to nail down a melody there, though, and it eventually shifted again when I started finalizing the lyrics.

A lot of people have lifted their own meaning out of this song, and because of this I consider it a great success lyrically.

You can check out the whole article here.

If the writing process for our lyrics interests you, or you were wondering about the origins of song titles, references, and so on, this one is for you. I'm thinking about featuring some more in-depth process pieces on lyrics moving forward right here on the blog, so stay tuned for that if you're a lyrics nerd like me.

- Kevin